
S.T.A.N.D. Coaching & Development Services

Are you ready to Start Taking A New Direction (STAND) in your career, life, or personal development?  Are you feeling empty due to not knowing your purpose in life?  Are you going day to day just existing and not truly living?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then the solution is here to help you take control of your life and Start Taking A New Direction.

S.T.A.N.D. is an affiliate company of No-Nonsense Training Solutions™, Inc.  that focuses specifically on leadership, career, and relationship coaching and development.  The use of state-of-the-art assessments guide our discussions and exercises are formulated to help you reach your desired goals.

What you can expect to receive from this powerful personalized coaching experience and relationship:

·        A crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve concerning your career, life or relationship.

·        A specific plan of action to attain those goals keep you focused.

·        A safe environment to express your concerns and get resolution with sound instruction options, clear direction and straightforward reality checks along the way.

·        Confidentiality with compassionate and caring counsel.

Give us a call or email today if you are ready to S.T.A.N.D. and Start Taking A New Direction!

Office: 954-364-8871                          Email: