
Building Leadership Competency


Building Leadership Competency – Leadership skills and Competencies.  In this module we will evaluate and build leadership skill strength by:

  • Discovering the No-Nonsense Strategies for Moving from Panic to Productivity™ to get your team re-focused after a crisis on conflict situation.   
  • Learning the steps to making and achieving SMARTER goals.
  • Understanding the power of decision making and developing the strategies to overcome the common barriers to decision making.
  • Examining the power of delegating authority and learn the No-Nonsense 6 step process to delegate effectively to the right team members.   
  • Identifying delegation barriers and build solutions to overcome them.
  • Reviewing the 4 phases of building an effective team and the leader’s role to leading their teams through storms, crisis, and conflict situations.
  • Learning the components of effective communication and recognize and eliminate barriers to communicating effectively.
  • Reviewing each attendees’ DNA Competency and Skills report. This assessment will review 25 skill sets and group the attendees’ skills into 4 quadrants of development which are 1):  Well Developed,  2) Developed, 3) Moderately Developed, 4) Needs Development.  We will then build a development action plan for each attendee  that will make them uncommon and successful to be successful in their leadership role.


Module 2 Cost:  TBA per person – Reduced pricing available when hosted or held internally for minimum 30 attendees.